Initial post

    I’ve been writing most of my life in the form of journals, diaries, short stories, and scribbles. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably come across old journals and could barely decipher what in the world you were trying to convey. Legibility of handwriting, coherent thought, or otherwise.

Inhabiting this earth for just 27 years and have seen, felt, and experienced a world of emotions already. This blog will be for personal use and if others want to read and learn about me, all the better. Some of the content may be unsettling, depressing, confusing, or outlandish to say the least. Lots of laughs and hilarity too, more than just morose words streamed together through tears. However, the calluses on my fingers are starting to burn from writing with the archaic pen and paper. The rough and swollen bumps on my thumb and ring fingers have inspired me to use this electronic form to express myself and tell some of my stories.

For so long I have resisted literature via led screen. Countless  arguments with the “nook” representatives at Barnes and noble, friends, and Amazon ads(the last one in my head)on how there is nothing like the feel of a paper book in your hands. Currently, I’m reading the first book of the Dune series and loving it. That gem of a book is in the rich and satisfying paper appearance I am deeply attached to.

Yet here I am, writing electronically and it doesn’t feel too bad.

Until later,


2 thoughts on “Initial post

  1. I’ve often wondered off writing would be a good outlet for me as I miss Holdeen everyday. Not to mention my son and other family members. Just afraid I would be judged. I realize the therapeutic aspect of items I applaud your efforts. Keep it up. Be strong and always keep your head up girl!


    1. I think writing or journaling would be a great outlet for you! Write for Holdeen with him always in your heart, are you still quilling? Any artistic/creative activity helps me get out of a bad mood(usually). I miss family members too, I get lonely during the days so found this takes up some time and helps ground me somewhat. Thank you Maureen and I will keep my head up. I would never judge you and doubt anybody else would. Unfortunately we are usually our own worst critics. I’m always here and judgement free!


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